Sunday, October 14, 2007

DFL update

October's DFL meeting included a briefing for Tuesday's, Oct. 16th, local school board forum which will be recorded for T.V. by the school. It will include an introduction by the candidates about themselves and then also a question and answer session.
We also had a guest speaker from Belle Plaine, Rochelle Gibbs, from the charitable organization ONE; the campaign to make poverty history, This is a non-partisan group focusing on ending extreme poverty (people making <$1/day)through a combination of efforts supported by the United Nations. She gave a very interesting presentation detailing the scope of problems people in extreme poverty face and the collective goals hoped to be achieved by 2015. She also listed future legislative bills being sponsored that hopefully members of all parties will support to increase the United States participation in ending extreme poverty.
We ended the meeting with the fall garbage pick up on our adopted highway section. Mother nature helped by providing sunshine and a light breeze. Our sign is back in place after the construction and we should be getting maximum visibility due to the increase in traffic flow. Although this also brings increase in trash volume so we hope spring collection will include more volunteers. Until November Happy Hallows Eve. Gert